For referral to our refuge
Macleod does not accept direct referrals from the public, if you are in danger call 000.
DV Connect Womensline
DVConnect’s Womensline is Queensland’s only 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year crisis response telephone helpline. They are available to support Queenslanders who want to escape domestic violence.
DV Connect can respond to your immediate safety needs by provide you with:
- Emergency transport ie taxi, bus, train or plane to remove you from violence
- Safe, emergency motel accommodation
- Specialist crisis counselling
- Safety planning, Information, referrals and support for those living with domestic violence
24 hour confidential counselling information, counselling and support service.
Domestic violence information
Queensland Government Domestic and Family Violence Information
Information, services and support for people impacted by domestic and family violence.
Local services
Domestic Violence Prevention Centre
Domestic Violence Prevention Centre provides a wide range of programs to support women and their children affected by domestic and family violence.
Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence
A specialist sexual violence intervention and prevention agency.