Macleod does not accept direct referrals from the public. If you are in danger call 000. For referral to our refuge or other support services visit our Need Help page.
Service providers and other inquires
Phone: 07 5591 7414
Mailing address
PO Box 2947
Southport QLD 4215
Send us a message
Macleod Refuge is open as are all government funded refuges.
Macleod Refuge operates under a COVID Safe Framework and continues to provide crisis accommodation for women and children escaping domestic violence. Our policies and procedures are inline with the health guidance set out by the Chief Health Officer and Queensland Government Guidelines. Macleod is committed to provide a safe environment for our staff and clients throughout the pandemic.
If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or
QLD residents 1800 811 811,
National Line 1800 737 732